Blankie Stories III...
Dear Grandma Jean,
You and Pappa left today and I was so sad to see you both go. I know that you have as much difficulty leaving me as I do letting you go home!

I'll be thinking about you and Pappa when I go to sleep with your soft blankies covering me, the holes are just big enough for my fingers to go through so I can suck my thumb.
I love that you thought that I needed TWO, you must really love me Grandma!
I also wanted to thank you (and Pappa) for all of the walks you take me out on when you're here for a visit. I love nothing more then being outside!
I'm also so happy for all of the chances we had for snuggles, I sure love Grandma snuggles (maybe even more then Pappa snuggles!).

I really hope that you'll come back soon, my Mom said that she's missing you both already!
Thank you for being such a wonderful Grandma and spoiling me when you get the chance, I just love you and miss you so much!
Your Sweet B
xoxoxoxo (you can share with Pappa if you want)
P.S. You don't have to worry quite so much about me Grandma, I'm one tough cookie!
P.P.S. Mom cried writing this so you don't have to be too annoyed at her for making you cry reading this!
Walking With Grandma
Author Unknown
I like walking with Grandma,
Her steps are short like mine.
She doesn't say "now hurry up"
She always takes her time.
I like to walk with Grandma,
Her eyes see things like mine do,
Wee pebbles bright,
A funny cloud,
Half hidden drops of dew.
Most people have to hurry,
They do not stop to see,
I'm glad that Grandma was made
Unrushed and young like me!
From Our (Emptier) Home To Yours...
Happy to see this Jean :)
This is a very beautiful, from your heart post, Lia. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I have a very funny feeling I am going to be reading a lot of your & Braeden's blog. I hope you have a good day!
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