I've learned many, many things (some I wish I could forget) in this journey but what I've learned is so important is to 'give back'. It was almost an 'instant' need for Michael and I, we wanted to give back. Mr.B has taken so much in terms of hospital support, etc and we felt that if there was a way to give back we would try to do just that. It is the reason that we started donating blood every 56 days (or so). The blood donations started initially with the want of replacing the 37 transfusions that B's had but then we figured why would we ever stop? The need for blood will never stop! If anyone is interested in joining us, whether in Calgary or wherever you are, please click on the link for the FB page for updates!
I had a pressing need to give back to The Alberta Children's Hospital this Christmas, our home away from home. It is a big hospital with a great deal of amazing donors but I wanted to make an impact where I knew that I appreciated it when we were there, the NICU. We have a world class NICU over at Foothills Hospital (almost across the street per se) so when they built the ACH they didn't initially include a NICU (silly I know). They soon realized there was a need for somewhere to put these wee surgery patients that were coming in from the other NICU's for surgery. The NICU at ACH is only for surgery kiddo's and they are generally children that are born clinging to life (as was Mr.B). There are only 8 beds in total (but that is about to change this year!!) and they are generally always full.

I put a call out to anyone that wanted to help, either with a donation or with time and I was humbled that so many people were willing to help. While most of the donations came directly from Mr.B's family and personal friends some came from others that I've not had the pleasure of meeting and some came from other Parents of ACH that know all too well the life of an ACH Parent. For Mr.B's second Birthday I set up a 'wishing well' to take donations for ACH and our incredible family and friends donated over $400 to it and that was my starting point for the Season to Give Back.

**Thank you to Angela MacKenzie for helping me assemble and deliver the boxes, with B so sick I don't know how I would have found the time to do them otherwise!**
We were able to deliver them all on Christmas Eve (I had planned for earlier but life and B have a way of changing for me). I have heard back from two of the NICU Nurses that they were very well received and that the Dad's were the ones that were emotional. I know how hard it is to go down to a lower income after a baby arrives and I know how much stress it adds when that baby is sick. I also know that the Dad's feel a good deal of pressure to provide for their families and yet feel the grief of not being able to be present in the NICU as much as they'd like. I left the hospital that night with a sense of 'lightness' and happiness but also some sadness. (I think I also knew in my heart that we'd be spending our own third Christmas in a row there the next day)
For anyone that still wants to donate, B always has a page open for ACH donations on their site, click here. (His story does need to be updated on it!)
Among all my Thank You's I need to give I also have another huge personal Thank You to give first.

To all of our donors (and for goodness sake if I've some how forgotten you please tell me and I'm SO sorry!!) in no particular order as I love you all the best!:
Hicks Family (North Vancouver, BC)
Zebedee Family (Calgary, AB)
Fawcett Family (Vanderhoof, BC)
Fawcett Family (Stetler, AB)
Fawcett Family (Ponoka, AB)
Tania Stephenson (Calgary, AB)
Ursula Stephenson (Calgary, AB)
Kelly Lock (Calgary, AB)
Reichel Family (Calgary, AB)
Harding Family (Rosemary, AB) And for the wonderful necklace!
Jacobsen Family (Calgary, AB)
Reutlinger Family (Airdrie, AB)
Johnson Family (Burnaby, BC)
Begaliyev Family (Calgary, AB)
Martens Family (Calgary, AB)
Angela MacKenzie (Calgary, AB)
And to the 90+ people in attendance at B's 2nd Birthday that donated to the 'Wishing Well', your donations inspired me to give back in a bigger way then I had originally planned! We love each and every one of you!
From Our Home To Yours...
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