Mr.B got moved upstairs on Sunday night and then proved that he was really a stinker because he started having 'Brady's' (low heart rate) almost immediately. There was talk of shipping him back but the Dr was confident that his colour was good and he was flipping out of the shortly on his own. I think he just wanted everyone to know he was back! It was very nice of them to 'hold' (they didn't really) our room for us, we got back into the same room. What are the chances? I am still shaken up over the whole incident but I think that it is probably natural.
B's Dr down in the ICU was telling me that the surgery for the malrotation would likely be within the week but I've since been told that they will wait as long as they can for him to build up his strength again. That is the one major thing with him since Friday, he is exhausted the poor little guy. The surgery team want him strong to go under the anesthetic so that they can attempt to perform several procedures on him at once. They will fix the malrotation (necessity), probably fix his umbilicus hernia (since they are in there), put in a G Tube (feeding tube into the stomach) and 'wrap' his esophogus (Fundoplication) to help prevent the reflux. It sounds like a lot because it IS a lot. We are having a multidisiplinary meeting next Weds with all the players with the hopes of getting a better idea on:
- What we want done and how it is completed
- Why we should agree to it
- If he is strong enough to handle it all
- Is he going to form clots again
- etc etc etc
Overall Braeden is still weakened from Friday and I'm sure he'll just need the time to rebuild his strength. He is looking better already but you can tell he's still not himself with the d-sats and the Brady's (which are most likely caused by his heart meds).
We certainly have a busy few weeks ahead of us with appointments with Neuro, ENT and our big mulit-disiplinary meeting Weds but things will be much nicer around here when two of the Sisters (and nephew) arrive on Friday night not to mention my Father-in-law the week later.
I stop and think some days that if we had one of his issues to deal with that in and of itself would be pretty stressful so what does it make it when you multiply that by 1000? Hmmm.
Two more speelps
Crap. That was suppose to read "two more sleeps"
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