Happy Easter Everyone!
We had the most WONDERFUL Easter this year! The weather was 'spring' and gorgeous, we had fun watching the boys find their eggs and play "Skylanders", we had my in-laws here from North Vancouver for the week, we ate turkey and lemon cheesecake but truly the miracle of it all was that we were all under one roof for our first holiday! Mr.B got to spend an entire holiday with us (lucky him?) and it was so fantastic to have all my boys here with us.March was a busy month (I think that is the theme of my life) with me still not getting much sleep. We are still trying to figure out B's night time needs and have ruled out seizures, apnea and heart rate and it seems like it might be a sensory issue. We (as I have had much help from our wonderful Social Worker, Lisa Parish) have finally convinced FSCD that I am in need of some help! I might just get some sleep one or two days a week!
Braeden is getting stronger each day it seems. We've had a rough patch of illness(es) come through

B continues to amaze all that know him with his good nature and sweet smile and laugh. He is spending a good deal of time on his hands and knees these days and is able to reach for a toy while in this position. He needs frequent breaks but is happy to simply try again a few minutes later. He is so full of life and energy that when he starts moving we are all going to be in trouble! I am really hoping his standing frame will be arriving here in the next few weeks so that we can get him upright and on his feet.
It seems as though Spring might actually be here for those of us in Calgary (for now as it is supposed to snow this week) and the boys have been out riding their bikes like fiends! It has been a wonderful visit with Mike's Mom and Dad here, they've been keeping the big boys very busy for their Spring Break week. Unfortunately even Cold FX couldn't keep Jean from getting our virus but she's fighting through it like a trouper!
We did get to accomplish another few "First's" for Mr.B as well this past week! He got his first 'real' haircut (by the fabulous Melissa at Beaners) and he got to go out to his first restaurant dinner out!
We joined a few other families at Rotary Flames House last week for their monthly Family Night and the boys had a blast building project that were brought by the Home Depot Team. It was a loud night but they had so much fun and Pappa (Mike's Dad) was in his element helping the boys glue and nail their projects.

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