I had no words, I was literally speechless to see him get up there and not only that but he did it several more times over an hour. I knew that his arms and shoulders were gaining strength from all of his 'crawling' but to have the strength to fully lift his bum off the ground? No idea! The picture is blurry but you can see that he's on the inside of his feet! I honestly couldn't tell you what is next for this kid! Could it seriously be possible that he could walk by 2??? I would have been happy if we could have gotten him this strong (not that he isn't the one doing all the work) by age 4 or 5...AMAZING!
It's actually been an amazing couple of days...
Friday we got to go to the first "Sibling SuperHero Day" at ACH. The Pediatric Residents put on a lunch for all the siblings of the chronically ill patients, how awesome is that? We got a lovely flier and invitation in the mail a few weeks ago and I knew that we certainly had to attend. I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity for the kids to have a good 'pat on the back' of course but they went over and above what I expected. (The only crappy thing? I forgot my camera and had to take the pictures with my phone.)
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SuperHero Rylan |
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SuperHero Torin |
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My three SuperHeros! Thank you ACH Pediatric Residents! |
It was a great day for the boys but a looong day for me. Mr.B threw two fits, two days in a row that were seemingly out of nowhere (for me). I do understand the second one (the day at ACH for the party) since he would have been stressed about being at ACH (we were there 4 out of 5 days last week), but the day before we'd been at home, just he and I. I can't stress enough what a 'happy' kid Mr.B is, he really has a happy disposition and when he's unhappy there (generally) a really good reason why. The first 'fit' I could not get him to calm down, could not. I knew he wasn't in pain (not a pain cry) and I knew he was frustrated. I sang, rocked him, played with him, nothing worked. Of course I was trying to get out of the house at the time to get to ACH for an appointment so I was trying my darndest. I finally (at a complete loss) took him outside and he calmed down enough that I felt comfortable putting him in his car seat while I grabbed my purse. I was so frazzled at this 'new' B that I immediately burst into tears once in the van and B? He started to laugh and play, happy as can be to be 'on our way'. Quite the funny picture I'm sure, me crying and B laughing.
Needless to say when it happened again the next day (at the party for the boys) I was feeling more than a little overwhelmed. Not because of the 'fit' per se but because it was painfully reminiscent of T's early 'fits' (early Autism). I was overwhelmed that we could be looking at the possibility of Autism on top of everything else. I know Autism, I can do Autism, and now that I'm not in the emotion of the moment, I know I can do it with B too (if it comes to that). And yes, I know, he's almost 2 and he's entitled to a 'bad' day or two. In the moment though? I pretty much felt lost and overwhelmed. Interestingly enough you're probably wondering how I calmed him down the second day? I pressed his hands against the window (we were on the 4th floor) and looked outside with him. It is nature that calms him, nature that soothes him.
When we got home from ACH that day I was still feeling overwhelmed and B has this latest thing that whenever he's put down on the change table he screams and cries. I was obviously at my end because I again just started to cry, so frustrated and so upset with myself for even experiencing frustration with him. Poor Mike came home in the midst of this and bless his huge heart he jumped in and took over without asking anything (my good man knows enough to know when I'm done). I then took my sore and sad heart to my room, undressed and slid into bed to cry my tired heart out. I knew I was tired (big surprise) and I knew I was just done, breaking point past, done. Stressed looking for a new Aide for B, stressed about having to re-negotiate (again) with FSCD and super-stressed about knowing that my Mom (and all of her incredible help) was leaving in a few days. I then slept. I wish I could say like a baby but at least I slept for a few consecutive hours.
When I woke up I'd like to say that 'all was well' but in reality I just lay there and thought about life. Thought about how tired I am and how worn out I am, generally feeling sorry for myself. I was listening to the sounds of the house and heard Torin asking Auntie Mobee a question (my sister from Chilliwack, BC). At first I assumed he was chatting with her on the phone and then I realized that no, he was talking to her in person. When I got up I walked out into B's room to find one of my big sisters right there in my home after driving for 11 hours all day by herself to be there...my own Sibling SuperHero. I had no idea she was coming, although I'd been 'teasing' her with the idea for over a week once she got home from Australia. To say it was the perfect end to a crappy day is putting it lightly. She just so happened to show up right at the time when I needed a boost and I'm so thankful for that.
The boys were also beyond thrilled (and did forgive her for coming without my nephew) and I think that my Mom was happy for the extra pair of hands (Mr.B too). The lucky girl got to go shopping with me all day yesterday to pick up what we needed for Rylan's Birthday party today!
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B's new favourite toy from our new friends Susie and Bob! |
Rylan, bless his little heart, had a long wait for his birthday party this year. Rylie turned 6 on Aug.6th but since B went into surgery the 7th we booked Ry's party far enough away so we had an 'in case of emergency' with B. Today we had a wonderful day! It would have been nice for some sun and a bit more warmth but hey, it was still great. We rented our local outdoor pool and instead of just Ry's friends we invited siblings and parents too. We had a great turnout and even more important the kids all had a blast.
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A blurry shot but I just love this expression! Such great toys we have! |
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Forgot to B-proof here Momma! |
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Mom's trying to cook dinner so she gave me a can of tuna...Awesome! (and he played 'hockey' with it throughout the whole house!) |
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New boomerangs all the way from Australia from Auntie Mobee |
Tomorrow we are off to Hearing at ACH bright and early and onto our last day with both my Sister and my Mom (she's driving home with my Sister as a co-pilot). I'm not too sure what shape I'll be in come Tuesday morning when I need to say good-bye to both of them but for now I'll just concentrate on getting her to forgive me for keeping her up while I post this!
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Auntie Mobee Pattycake |
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I LOVE this 'James Bond' face..."I got ya Mobee!" |
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