I had such great hopes of blogging my way throughout our whole trip so that those of you that wanted to could join us for the ride. Alas, best laid plans and all that...
Mr.B decided that he simply needed to shake things up on Weds night (July 25th) as his Momma was feeling just a wee too relaxed. B ended up with horrible, back-arching stomach cramps and was (for good reason) miserable. He had a good day and then it all just went south within a short period of time (in B fashion).
We were able to finish off our trip hospital-free but we did alter the trip more than once 'in case of emergency'. It is certainly not as easy or as fun blogging backwards! I wanted to still finish out the trip on here as there were so many important memories and stories that came from it (not to mention all the pictures!).
I thought the easiest way would be to break up the trip in to a few posts to make it a bit easier to read and follow.
This will be the rest of the Vancouver Island visit...
Thursday, July 25th:
We got the day started off right with a visit from the boys Great-Aunt Marion (Michael's aunt), her daughter Kathryn (cousin) and her grandson Mason! They made the drive up to see us from Campbell River and Torin was so excited! Torin loves his 'Auntie Mer' and the fact that she talks to his Grandma Jean every night (Torin loves phones and most of all regular phone conversations).
Reading books with Auntie Mer and Kathryn |
I was glad that B was happy enough to pose for a few shots for his Momma.
Auntie Keeta got the pleasure of taking the big boys out for a walk on the board walk and then grocery shopping since B was in a very clingy and 'off' mood. (Have I mentioned how much I love and appreciate how much my big sisters do for me and us??) Apparently they think Auntie Keeta is a soft touch since they'd informed her that they needed to buy half the store!
We got to have a lovely dinner date with an old friend (since grade 2) Naomi who herself just spent the last three years sailing the south Pacific. She would send me encouraging emails when they stopped somewhere with internet and even went so far as to post a note to B at the hospital when we were going through that first 7 and a half months of hospital living.
Naomi and B chillin with the med supplies |
We were also joined that evening by my wonderful friend Kiran and her hubby Tyler and we were all sitting around chatting when I did a quick hand-over of Mr.B to Naomi so I could run to the washroom. I knew B would be mad at me but I thought (as it generally does) that it would pass once I left the room. So not the case! I quickly came back into the room to an inconsolable B (poor Naomi!). Braeden was simply beside himself and when I took him back I realized he was in pain. He was jerking and then crunching with stomach pains. I tried venting him with no real success and couldn't get him to really even calm down (so not B).
Thankfully the bath did calm him down and soothe him (and Naomi even got some smiles and giggles) but I knew I was in for a long night.
When Kiran and Tyler brought the boys up from the beach we got a wee bit more of a visit in but certainly was not the visit I'd envisioned! I sadly said goodnight to all three of them and was very happy that they understood the unpredicableness of Mr.B.
I started running pedialyte for B that night with the hopes of giving his tummy a break (since this all kicked in after a feed) and he was very fitful through the night.
Friday, July 26th (our last day in Paradise!):
Kennedy staged this shot for me and told Ry, "We need to hold hands!" |
Kennedy was a hoot with the boys and they all along great. She was quite taken with meeting Mr.B, she loves babies! Unfortunately B was still not feeling so hot and just wanted his Momma that morning. I thought he was doing better (fever was gone) but then he started with the cramping again out of nowhere.
My (thank goodness she was with us) sister and Michelle went on a suppository run to the drugstore for me with the hopes of giving B some relief on his tummy. Braeden only needs a slight nudge for his whole GI tract to go out of wack.
Our Pediatrician (who was on holiday herself!) kept in contact with me and gave me her recommendations for treatment (which I can't even begin to express in words how very grateful and thankful I am for this woman and doctor!). Her idea was that it could be a partial blockage (in the intestine).
We spent the rest of the morning and afternoon getting the house packed up and cleaned up for it's next inhabitants! Katja, Greg and their girls arrived from Calgary to spend the weekend at the condo and were very kind since I'd not been completely packed up when they arrived.
We'd had plans that day to meet up with my Dad but he'd not been feeling well either so we took a side trip (in the fully loaded van) to a little place called Coombs.
A new generation of goofy goats! |
It was a hot day so the kids only got to glimpse at the goats as we pulled in (they were trying to be in the shade in the heat). They got to enjoy the main market place however especially since Auntie Keeta promised that she'd buy them a toy. (Of course she also bought them each a shirt too!)
After many dollars spent (hers, not mine!) we headed down Island to Cowichan Bay to meet my sister, her partner Aaron and their daughter for dinner. My niece Acadia simply brings me joy, she is a spitfire of energy and gives the greatest of hugs with her teeny tiny 2 and a half year old body! She is like my favourite redheaded sister in so many ways and I take great pleasure in that! My sister Reece (Marisa) is only 15 mths older than me so we grew up close together sharing many friends along the way. We could not be more different from each other in so many ways (the joke is she is the country mouse as I am the city mouse from a favourite childhood book) but she is so full of love, energy and grace.
We had to say a sad good-bye to Auntie Keeta (my favourite oldest sister) as she had to head back to Victoria to return to work and we got to spend the night at Casa Gunner (Reece and Aaron's house). It was another very late night (Acadia's latest night and I'm proud to say I'm a horrible influence) and B spent most of the night in night terrors.
Saturday, July 27th
After a painfully long night, B woke up with a completely dry diaper. Completely. I had been running straight Pedialyte into him so there was no chance he could be dehydrated. The next panic was "oh no, maybe it's actually the kidneys!". I texted the Dr. to let her know and she actually wasn't as worried about the dry diaper due to his age. She again coached me through her course of action and after much back and forth we made a plan.
Two peas in a pod! Acadia and B (my sister is not keen on having my niece on the blog but this is a pic that I don't think that she could contest, too much) |
A whole lotta Lavender! |
Jenny and Moi |
hangin with Grandpa |
We left my Dad's place (after an emotional good-bye) to carry on to Victoria and to spend the night at Auntie Keeta's house (funny how we'd just said our good-byes to her since we didn't think we'd see her again this trip). The nice thing is that Uncle Mike got to meet Mr.B and see the big boys to catch up that otherwise wouldn't have happened. A fantastic dinner and yet another late night for the boys and Sunday morning came far too quickly.
Ferret kisses at Auntie Keeta's |
Sunday, July 28th:
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Auntie Rain |
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three, two, one, funny face Cristi! |
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Auntie Keeta and Uncle Mike's funny faces...:) |
From Our Home (Where Ever We Might Be) To Yours...
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