My day started out by stepping in cat poop (lovely) and it just got better from there! Needless to say my van is now in the shop and the cement barrier won, I did not. Gotta love (not) heavy spring snowfalls that leave amazing ice rinks!

The major issue that we're still having (since this admission) is that his g-tube is leaking. It started out leaking with his feeds but those have been stopped for days now (due to sore tummy with his bugs) and now it's leaking all the time just with his regular stomach fluids (nothing going into the tube). It is very hard to know what the 'issue' is because from the outside it looks great. He is crunching over in pain as soon as something does go into it though and he is in an upright position.
Best case scenario is that is the device is faulty (balloon is warped maybe?) and worst case scenario is another fistula has formed or is forming. I did feel a WHOLE lot better after seeing Dr.B (surgeon) today and talking to her about it. She is going to change out his device tomorrow to one similar and see if there is a difference. We'll also do a contrast study (dye in the tube) to see if we can see any 'issues'.
It was a disappointing day in the sense that we had to miss out on our seating appointment for his wheel chair fitting. He's got this awesome, very expensive wheel chair downstairs and we can't have it until he gets fitted for it. They said no to having him done today something about him having three viruses...I guess that makes sense!
The nice thing is though? I'm sitting here in the dark, listening to our friend (and amazing pianist/composer) Danny Wright's lullaby cd and listening to him play quietly in his crib. I'm relaxed and happy whenever this little bum is near (and he's not stressing me out!). It is always a good way to end a rotten-ish day.
A huge thank you for Kelly for rescuing me, the damsel in distress this morning (after my 9 yr old told her Mom had crashed the car). To Sumyu and Rachel for making me the most wonderful hospital snacks that fit with my eating routine (gotta get fit by 40 after all) and for Rachel as well for taking and feeding my big monsters yesterday (again!). The photos are also compliments of Justine! :)
At the end of the day, even a rotten one, we are blessed.
From Our Home (Unit 2) To Yours...
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